Monday, May 12, 2008

Tri State Women's Business Expo A Success

The BUSINESS EXPO organized by the "Tri State Business Women" was a total success, it was open to the public, free, and there were over 100 vendors there. It will be an annual event.
I am a member and we worked very hard to have a great day.
May 17, 2008 at the North Ga. Technical Institute, SAT. all day from 9-4.
There was a raffle for fabulous prizes, giveaways, radio remote, food, entertainment and over a hundred businesses from all over this area, to advertise and display their businesses.
for more info:
SEEYA next year!
I will have a spa there, and all my accessories and will be giving away drink cuzzies and rubber ducks, I love this kind of show, it is FREE and there is alot of excitement around it, for all.